A. Sách - sổ tay - tóm tắt

[1]. Le Anh Tuan, 2003. Open Channel Hydraulics for Engineers. Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands.  

B. Tạp chí quốc tế

[1]. Seung-Myeong Baek, Jong-Man Joung, Chang-Hwa Lee, Van-Dung Nguyen, and Sang-Hyun Kim, 2003. The Dielectric Characteristics of Turn-to-Turn Insulation for DC Reactor Type HTSFCL, The journal of Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineer, Vol. 16, no. 12S, p. 1299-1304.

[2]. Lomov, S.V., T.C. Truong, I. Verpoest, T. Peeters, D. Roose, P. Boisse, and A. Gasser, Mathematical Modelling of Internal Geometry and Deformability of Woven Preforms. International journal of forming process, 2003. Material Forming I: p. 413-442. 

C. Tạp chí quốc gia

[1]. Nguyễn Chí Ngôn, Trương Thị Thanh Tuyền và Nguyễn Thái Nghe, “Đèn giao thông thông minh”, Tạp chí Tự động hoá ngày nay, Hội khoa học Công nghệ Tự động Việt nam, trang 23-25, số 37, 09/2003.

[2]. Nguyễn Chí Ngôn,  Phần mềm NeuoSolutions 4.2 và ứng dụng trong nhận dạng mô hình phi tuyến động của đối tượng, Tạp chí Tự động hoá ngày nay, Hội khoa học Công nghệ Tự động Việt nam, trang 18-21, số 39, 11/2003. 

D. Hội nghị khoa học quốc tế

[1]. Sungrok Kang, Trungtinh Tran, Jaeseok Choi, Donghoo Jeon, Seungpil Moon, Jinboo Choo; “Probabilistic Reliability Evaluation of Power System Using TRELSS I”, Proceeding of the KIEE PES Autumn Annual Conference 2003, pp:62-66

[2]. Trungtinh Tran, Sungrok Kang, Jaeseok Choi, Donghoo Jeon, Jinboo Choo; “Probabilistic Reliability Evaluation of Power System Using TRELSS II: Focused on Case Studies of IEEE-RTS”, Proceeding of the KIEE PES Autumn Annual Conference 2003, pp:67-70

[3]. S.R. Kang, K.H. Kim, T.T. Tinh, J.S. Choi, D.H. Jeon, Y.T. Lee, S.P. Moon, J.B. Choo; “A Study on Probabilistic Reliability Evaluation of Transmission System”, Proceeding of the KIEE Summer Annual Conference 2003, pp:42-45

[4]. Trungtinh Tran, Jaeseok Choi, Seungil Moon, Roy Billinton; “Transmission System Expansion Planning Using a Branch and Bound Approach”, Proceeding of the 3rd IASTED International Conference, Sept. 2003, pp:672-677

[5]. Sungrok Kang, Trungtinh Tran, Jaeseok Choi, Junmin Ja, Daeseok Rho, Roy Billinton; “The Best Line Choice for Transmission System Expansion Planning on the Side of the Highest Reliability Level”, Proceding of IFAC Symposium on Power Plants & Power Systems Control 2003, Sept. 2003, pp:299-304

[6]. Trungtinh Tran, Sungrok Kang, Jaeseok Choi, Roy Billinton, A.A. El-Keib; “A Study on Transmission System Expansion Planning on the Side of Highest Satisfaction Level of Decision Maker”, Proceding of IFAC Symposium on Power Plants & Power Systems Control 2003, Sept. 2003, pp:966-973

[7]. Jong-Man Joung, Van-Dung Nguyen, Seung-Myeong Baek, Chang-Hwa Lee, and Sang-Hyun Kim, “V-t characteristics of turn insulator of HTS transformer”, Proceeding of KIASC conference 2003, p 218-221.

[8]. D. S. Kwang, Y. S. Kim, N. V. Dung, H. J. Kim, and S. H. Kim, “The effect of butt-gap in Insulation Properties for a HTS Cable”, Proceeding of KIASC conference 2003, p. 213-217.

[9]. Truong, T.C., S.V. Lomov, and I. Verpoest. The mechanical properties of non-crimp carbon stitched fabric composites. in Proceedings of the 24th International SAMPE Europe conference. 2003. Paris - France. p. 545-552.

[10]. Truong, T.C., M. Vettori, S.V. Lomov, and I. Verpoest. Multi-axial multi-ply carbon fabric reinforced Epoxy composites: mechanical properties and investigation of initial damage. in Proceedings of ICCM 14. 2003. San Diego - Ca -US. CD edition.

[11]. Lomov, S.V., M. Barburski, T.C. Truong, and I. Verpoest. Deformability and internal geometry of textile reinforcements and laminates. in Proceedings of ICCM 14. 2003. San Diego - Ca - US. CD edition.

[12]. Dương Thái Công, Prof. Karim Allaf, 2003. Parboiling rice by DIC and drying by DDS (Drying by pressure Drop Successive). Summary report: The 3rd Inter. Workshop on Drying Technology in the Asia, Bogor- Indonesia.

[13]. Nguyen Thuan Nhi, Verboven Pieter , Baelmans Martine, De Baerdemaeker Josse, Nicolaï Bart M., 2003. Simulation of Airflow in a Flatbed Dryer by Computational Fluid Dynamics: Application for the Drying of Rice in Mekong Delta,Vietnam. ASAE Annual International Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 27- 30 July.

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