A. Sách - sổ tay - tóm tắt


B. Tạp chí quốc tế


1. Ty, T.V., Babel, M.S., Sunada, K., Oishi, S. and Kawasaki, A. 2009. Utilization of a GIS-based water infrastructure inventory for water resources assessment at local level: a case study in mountainous area of Vietnam. Hydrological Research Letters, 3, 27-31.
2. Q. H. Ngo and K.-S. Hong, “Skew control of a quay container crane,” Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 23, No. 12, pp. 3332-3339, 2009. ISSN: 1738-494X, SCI-E, 2010 IF: 0.412, Cited: 7.


3. Q. H. Ngo, K.-S. Hong and I. H. Jung, “Adaptive control of an axially moving system,” Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 23, No. 11, pp. 3071-3078, 2009. ISSN: 1738-494X, SCI-E, 2010 IF: 0.412, Cited: 12.

4. Le Nguyen Binh, Martin Firus, Tran Nhut Khai Hoan, “Wavelength re-generation and re-modulation using optical phase lock loop techniques for 100-Gb/s DQPSK up-stream transmission in DWDM passive optical networks,” Journal Photonic Network Communications – Springer Netherlands, Vol 10 No3 P265-276 - DOI 10.1007/s11107-009-0231-9 

5. Truong Ba Tai and Minh Tho Nguyen. Structure and electron delocalization of the boron oxide cluster B3(BO)3 and its anion and dianion. Chem. Phys. Lett. 2009. 483, 35 -42 (IF: 2.215)

6. Sang Hun Jang, Truong Ba Tai, Min Kyu Kim, Jeong Woo Han, Yun-Hi Kim, Sung Chul Shin, Yong Jin Yoon, Soon Ki Kwon and Sang-Gyeong Lee. Synthesis and Physical Properties of Decylbithiophene End-Capped Oligomers Based on Naphthalene, Anthracene and Benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b′]dithiophene. Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 2009, 30, 618


7. Tran-Cong-Miyata Q, Van-Pham DT, Noma K, Norisuye T, Nakanishi H. The roles of reaction inhomogeneity in phase separation kinetics and morpholoyg of reactive polymer blends. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science (English Edition). 2009;27(1):23-36.


8. Van-Pham DT, Sorioka K, Norisuye T, Tran-Cong-Miyata Q. Physical aging of photo-crosslinked poly(ethyl acrylate) observed in the nanometer scales by mach-zehnder interferometry. Polymer Journal. 2009; 41(4):260-5.


C. Tạp chí quốc gia


1. LNBình, TNKHoàn, LHBình, NTTrung, Martin Fius,“Mô phỏng tuyến truyền dẫn cáp quang biển Bắc - Nam Việt Nam sử dụng kết hợp khuếch đại Raman và EDFA tốc độ 40x40Gb/s CSRZ-DPSK”, Tạp chí thông tin – Khoa học công nghệ - Bộ Thông tin Truyền thông, Tập V-1, số 2(22) tháng 12-2009, trang 54-66.


D. Hội nghị khoa học quốc tế


  1. Ty, T.V., Sunada, K., Oishi, S. and Ichikawa, Y. Evaluation of local water situation using Water Poverty Index: a case study in the Lower Mekong Basin. The 7th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, AIT Conference Center, Thailand, Page 182-189, 2009.


  2. Z. M. Cao, Q. H. Ngo, Q. C. Nguyen and K.-S. Hong, “Sway control of the crane mounted on a ship with rolling motion,” International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology, pp. 430-435, Gwangju, Korea, 2009.


  3. Z. M. Cao, Q. H. Ngo, Q. C. Nguyen and K.-S. Hong, “Modeling of a container crane for mobile harbor,” Proceedings of the KSME 2009 Autumn Annual Meeting, pp. 47-51, Busan, Korea, 2009.


  4. K.-S. Hong and Q. H. Ngo, “Port Automation: Modeling and control of container cranes,” Proceedings of International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation, pp. 19-26, Bandung, Indonesia, 2009. Plenary talk.


  5. Q. H. Ngo, Q. C. Nguyen and K.-S. Hong, “Adaptive boundary control of an axially moving string under the effect of boundary disturbance,”�Proceedings of ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, pp. 304-309, Fukuoka, Japan, 2009.


  6. Q. C. Nguyen, Q. H. Ngo and K.-S. Hong, “Active vibration control of an axially moving beam using varying velocity method,”�Proceedings of ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, pp. 287-292, Fukuoka, Japan, 2009.


  7. Q. C. Nguyen, Q. H. Ngo and K.-S. Hong, “Adaptive control of an axially moving string under spatiotemporally varying tension via a hydraulic actuator,” Proceedings of ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference 2009, pp. 293-297, Fukuoka, Japan, 2009.


  8. Q. H. Ngo and K.-S. Hong, “Adaptive boundary control of an axially moving string system: application to container cranes,”�Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, pp. 2121-2125, Seoul, Korea, 2009.


  9. Doan Van Hong Thien and Ming-Hua Ho. “The Protein Encapsulation and Release by Using CS Nanoparticles Prepared by the Electrospraying Process”. The 11th International Conference on Chitin and CS & The 8th Asia-Pacific Chitin and CS Symposium. (Taiwan, 2009)


  10. Doan Van Hong Thien, Sheng Wen Hsiao, and Ming-Hua Ho. “The Proliferation and Differentiation of Osteoblast-Like Cells on Electrospun CS Scaffolds”. TERMIS World Congress 2009 in conjunction with 2009 Seoul Stem Cell Symposium (Korea, 2009)


  11. Tri Vo Minh, Tegoeh Tjahjowidodo, Herman Ramon, and Hendrik Van Brussel, Non-local Memory Hysteresis in A Pneumatic Artificial Muscle (PAM), proceedings of the 17th Mediterranean Conf. on Control and Automation, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 24-26, 2009, pp: 640-645.


  12. Tri Vo Minh, Tegoeh Tjahjowidodo, Herman Ramon, and Hendrik Van Brussel, Control of a Pneumatic Artificial Muscle (PAM) with Model-Based Hysteresis Compensation, proceedings of IEEE/ASME Int. Conf. on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Singapore, July 14-17, 2009, pp: 1082-1087.


  13. T. V. Minh, H. Ramon, H. V. Brussel, Control a Pneumatic Artificial Muscle (PAM) with hysteresis, 8th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, NCTAM2009, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, May 28-29, 2009, pp. 182 – 187.


  14. T. V. Minh, H. Ramon, H. V. Brussel, Pneumatic circuit assessment in Pneumatic Artificial Muscle Applications, Book of Abstract of The 28th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, March 16-18, 2009, Spa, Belgium, pp, 82.


  15. Jeongje Park, Wu Liang, Jaeseok Choi, TrungTinh Tran, Roy Billinton; “Reliability Evaluation of Grid in Korea: Fourth Supply Plan”, IEEE T&D Asia – SIEF 2009; ISBN: 978-1-4244-5230-9, October 2009; Seoul


  16. Trungtinh Tran, VanTan Tran, PhanTu Vu, Jeongje Park, Jaeseok Choi; “A Practical Method for Transmission Expansion Planning”; IEEE T&D Asia – SIEF 2009, ISBN: 978-1-4244-5230-9, October 2009; Seoul


  17. Trungtinh Tran, Huuphong Nguyen, Thanhluong Phan, Vandung Nguyen, Duyphuong N.Do, Hoang Nam Vo; “Preliminary Assessment of the Biogas Production from Water Hyacinths and Agricultural Waste for Electric Power Generation”; 2009 International Forum on Strategic Technologies (IFOST 2009), October 2009; TP.HCM.


  18. Cuong NGUYEN VAN, Karim ALLAF; “Jatropha oil as biodiesel”; 5ème Séminaire Franco - MFU “Energy des plantes: l’energie de demain ?” Mae Fah Luang University, 27-28 August 2009, Thailand.


  19. Cuong NGUYEN VAN, Collete BESOMBES, Karim ALLAF; “La texturation par DIC des milieux poreux. Identification de l’impact en termes de diffusivité, accessibilité initiale et disponibilité d’extraction d’huile de colza et de jatropha”; 1er Colloque International sur la Maitrise de l’Énergie et les Applications des Énergies Renouvelables, du 20 au 22 mai 2009, Tozeur - Tunisie.


20.L.Q.N. Tran, C.A. Fuentes, C. Dupont, A.W. Van Vuure, I. Verpoest; Wetting behaviour and surface energy of coconut (coir) fibres; Natural Fibres 09’ International Conference, London, UK; 2009.

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