A. Tạp chí quốc tế


[1].      Ty, T.V., Sunada, K. and Ichikawa, Y. 2011. A spatial impact assessment of human-induced intervention on hydrological regimes: a case study in the upper Srepok River basin, Central Highlands of Vietnam. International Journal of River Basin Management, 9(2), 103-116.


[2].      Doan Van Hong Thien, Sheng-Wen Hsiao, and Ming-Hua Ho. Synthesis of electrosprayed CS nanoparticles for drug sustained release. 2011, Nano Life, Vol 2. No 1. doi: 10.1142/S1793984411000360


[3].      Yeshitila Asteraye Tsigie, Chun-Yuan Wanga, Chi-Thanh Truong, Yi-Hsu Ju Lipid production from Yarrowia lipolytica Po1g grown in sugarcane bagasse hydrolysate, Bioresource Technology 102 (2011) 9216–9222.


[4].      Nguyen Chi Ngon, A method of Hypotensive Control System Design, Journal of Volgograd State Technical University, Russia, 2011 (accepted).


[5].      Hwang Chao-Lung, Bui Le Anh-Tuan, Chen Chun-Tsun, “Effect of rice husk ash on the strength and durability characteristics of concrete”, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 25, Issue 9, September 2011, Pages 3768-3772. (SCI).


[6].      Chao Lung Hwang, Chun Tsun Chen, Hsiu Lung Huang, Sheng Szu Peng, Le Anh Tuan Bui and Yuan Yi Yan, “The Design and Case Study of Pervious Concrete Materials”, Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 287-290(2011), pp 781-784. (EI)


[7].      Chao Lung Hwang, Chun Tsun Chen, Le Anh Tuan Bui and Fondly Reymont Kurniawan, “The Study on the Early Age Cracking due to the Addition of Silica Fume into Concrete and the Trouble-shooting Strategy”, Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 295-297(2011), pp 824-829. (EI)


[8].      Chao-Lung Hwang, Fransiscus Mintar Ferry Sihotang, Bui Le Anh Tuan, Chun-Tsun Chen, “Green Concrete of Sustainable Life-Cycle”, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 99-100 (2011) pp 1113-1116. (EI).


[9].      Chao-Lung Hwang, Chun Tsun Chen, Long Sherng Lee, Le Anh Tuan Bui, Bhi Song Hou and His Yi Hsieh, “The Material and Mechanical Property of Heavy-duty Prestressed Concrete Sleeper”, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols 97-98 (2011) pp 408-413. (EI)


[10].  TrungTinh Tran, VanDung Nguyen, DuyPhuong N.Do, HuuPhong Nguyen, Jaeseok Choi, “Assessment Electric Power Generation Via Water Hyacinths And Agricultural Waste”, Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, USA (ISSN1934-8975), vol.5, 2011, pp.627-631


[11].  Lien T. L. Nguyen, Chi V. Nguyen, Giao H. Dang, Ky K. A. Le, Nam T. S. Phan*,  “ Towards application of metal – organic frameworks in catalysis: Friedel – Crafts acylation reaction over IRMOF-8 as an efficient hetergenerous catalyst”, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 349 (2011) 28-35


[12].  L.Q.N. Tran, C.A. Fuentes, C. Dupont, A.W. Van Vuure, I. Verpoest; Wetting analysis and surface characterisation of coir fibres used as reinforcement for composites; Colloids and Surfaces A 337 (2011) 251-260.


[13].  C.A. Fuentes, L.Q.N. Tran, C. Dupont, A.W. Van Vuure, I. Verpoest; Wetting behavior and surface properties of bamboo fibres; Colloids and Surface A 380 (2011) 89.


[14].  Truong Ba Tai, Nguyen Minh Tam and Minh Tho Nguyen. Evolution of Structures and Stabilities of Zinc-Doped Tin Clusters SnnZn, n = 1–12. Three-dimensional Aromaticity of the Magic Clusters Sn10Zn and Sn12ZnChem. Phys2011,388, 1 (IF: 1.896)


[15].  Truong Ba Tai, Minh Tho Nguyen and David. A. Dixon. Electronic Structure and Thermochemical Properties of Small Neutral and Cationic Lithium Clusters and Boron-Doped Lithium Clusters: Lin0/+ and LinB0/+ (n = 1 − 8)J. Phys. Chem A2011115, 7673 (IF: 2.946)


[16].  Truong Ba Tai and Minh Tho Nguyen. Enhanced Stability by Three-dimensional Aromaticity of Endohedrally Doped-Clusters X10M0/-, X = Ge, Sn, Pb, and M = Cu, Ag, AuJ. Phys. Chem. A2011115, 9993 (IF: 2.946)


[17].  Pham Vu Nhat, Vu Thi Ngan, Truong Ba Tai and Minh Tho Nguyen. Electronic Structure, Vibrational and Thermochemical Properties of Neutral and Charged Niobium Clusters Nbn, n=7-12. J. Phys. Chem. A2011115, 3523 (IF: 2.946)


[18].  Truong Ba Tai and Minh Tho Nguyen. A Stochastic Search for the Structures of Small Germanium Clusters and Their Anions Genx with n = 2 – 12. Enhanced Stability by Spherical Aromaticity of the Ge10x and Ge122- SystemsJ. Chem. Theory. Comput20117, 1119 (IF: 5.215)


[19].  Truong Ba Tai, Nguyen Thi Minh Hue and Minh Tho Nguyen. The group 14 cationic clusters by encapsulation of coinage metals X10M+, with X = Ge, Sn, Pb and M = Au, Ag, Cu: Enhance stability of 40 valence electron systems. Chem. Phys. Lett2011502, 187 (IF: 2.215)


[20].  Pham Vu Nhat, Vu Thi Ngan, Truong Ba Tai and Minh Tho Nguyen. Reply to Comment on “Electronic Structure, Vibrational and Thermochemical Properties of Neutral and Charged Niobium Clusters Nbn, n=7-12”. J. Phys. Chem. A2011115, 14127 (IF: 2.946)


[21].  Truong Ba Tai, Paweł Kadłuban ski, Szczepan Roszak, Devashis Majumdar, Jerzy Leszczynski and Minh Tho Nguyen. Electronic Structures and Thermochemical Properties of


[22].  Truong Ba Tai, Minh Tho Nguyen. The Small Silicon-Doped Boron Clusters BnSi (n=1–7) and Their AnionsChem. Phys. Chem201112, 2948 (IF: 3.412)


[23].  N. T. Hong Thuy, et al., Techno-economic and environmental assessment of bioethanol-based chemical process: A case study on ethyl acetate. Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy, 2011. 30(4): p. 675-684.


[24].  Tran-Cong-Miyata Q, Kinohira T, Van-Pham DT, Hirose A, Norisuye T, Nakanishi H. Phase separation of polymer mixtures driven by photochemical reactions: Complexity and fascination. Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science. 2011;15(6):254-61.


[25].  Van-Pham DT, Sorioka K, Norisuye T, Tran-Cong-Miyata Q. Formation and relaxation of the elastic strain generated by photocuring in polymer blends monitored by Mach-Zehnder interferometry. Polymer. 2011;52(3):739-45.




B. Tạp chí quốc gia


[1].      Nguyễn Chí Ngôn, Phạm Thanh Tùng và Dương Hoài Nghĩa, Điều khiển trượt dùng mạng nơron hệ nâng vật bằng từ trường, Tạp chí Khoa học Đại Học Cần Thơ, Số 17b-2011, trang 140-147. ISSN: 1859-2333.


[2].      Nguyễn Chí Ngôn, Bộ điều khiển PI mờ: từ thiết kế đến ứng dụng. Tạp chí Khoa học Đại Học Cần Thơ, số 18a-2011, trang 82-92. ISSN: 1859-2333.


[3].      Nguyen Chi Ngon, Bước đầu nghiên cứu điều khiển áp lực tưới máu não. Tạp chí Khoa học Đại Học Cần Thơ, số 18a-2011, trang 71-81. ISSN: 1859-2333.


[4].      Nguyễn Chí Ngôn, Cao Hoàng Long và Lưu Trọng Hiếu, 2011. Một giải pháp ứng dụng năng lượng mặt trời. Tạp chí Khoa học Đại Học Cần Thơ. Vol.19b-2011, pp.10-19. ISSN: 1859-2333.


[5].      Nguyễn Chí Ngôn và Đặng Tín. Điều khiển PID một nơron thích nghi dựa trên bộ nhận dạng mạng nơron mờ hồi qui áp dụng cho hệ thanh và bóng. Tạp chí Khoa học Đại Học Cần Thơ. Số 20a-2011, trang 159-168. ISSN: 1859-2333.


[6].      Nguyễn Chí Ngôn và Nguyễn Minh Trí, Hoạt động Nghiên cứu Khoa học và Chuyển giao Công nghệ tại Khoa Công nghệ Trường Đại học Cần Thơ: một năm nhìn lại, Tạp chí Khoa học Đại Học Cần Thơ. Số 20a-2011, trang 169-175. ISSN: 1859-2333


[7].      Nguyen Hoang Dung. Feedforward-Feedback algorithm based nonlinear system control, Scientific Journal of Can Tho University, ISSN:1859-2333, No.19a, 2011


[8].      Nguyen Hoang Dung. Radial basis function neural network based adaptive sliding mode control for nonlinear system, Scientific Journal of Can Tho University, ISSN:1859-2333, No.15b, P46-55, 2010


[9].      Nguyen Hoang Dung. Sliding mode controller using Takagi-Sugeno model for nonlinear system, Scientific Journal of Can Tho University, ISSN:1859-2333, No.15b, P46-55, 2010


[10].  Nguyen Hoang Dung, Duong Hoai Nghia. Adaptive sliding mode control using fuzzy based neural network. Scientific Journal of Can Tho University, ISSN:1859-2333, No.15a, PP273-282, 2010.


[11].  Le Thanh Dung, Dang Huynh Giao, Cao Tuyet Van, Carboxylate ligands containing pyridinium groups – versatile linkers in construction of new MOFs: One-pot synthesis and characterization, Journal of Chemistry,  49 (2011) 107.


[12].  Le Thanh Dung, Huynh Tan Chien, Huynh Thi Nhu Quynh, Dang Huynh Giao, Carboxylic  ligands containing amide groups– potential linkers for construction of new MOFs: synthesis and characterization, Journal of Science and Technology,  49 (3A) (2011) 240-246


[13].  Le Thanh Dung, Dang Huynh Giao, Do Dang Thuan, Tong Thanh Danh, Flexible zwitterionic ligands – potential linkers for construction of new MOFs: synthesis and characterization, Journal of Science and Technology, (5A) (2011) 345-351


[14].  Nguyen Van Cuong, Impact of texturing by instant controlled pressure drop (DIC) on solvent extraction of jatropha curcas oil, Journal of Science, Hue University, ISSN 1859-1388, Vol.69, No.6, 2011.




C. Hội nghị khoa học quốc tế


[1].        Ty, T.V., Sunada, K., and Ichikawa, Y. A spatial impact assessment of multiple changes on hydrological regimes: a case study in the upper Srepok River basin, Central Highlands of Vietnam. IUGG 2011, Melbourne, Australia, 2011.


[2].        Q. H. Ngo, Y. Yu, E. H. Kim, I. G. Jang, and K.-S. Hong, “Orientation control of a crane’s spreader: Application on mobile harbor,”Proceedings of International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems 2011, pp. 510-515, Seoul, Korea, 2011.


[3].        Q. H. Ngo, G. Hong, and K.-S. Hong, “Sway suppression of an offshore container crane,” Proceedings of IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, pp. 1388-1393, Kyoto, Japan, 2011.


[4].        Doan Van Hong Thien and Ming-Hua Ho, “The Preparation of Electro-Sprayed Chitosan Nanoparticles for Controlled Release”, BIT’s 4th Annual World Congress of Industrial Biotechnology (ibio-2011), (Dalian, China, 2011)


[5].        Doan Van Hong Thien and Ming-Hua Ho. “Cell behaviors on electrospun CS/ hydroxyapatite nanofibers”. The 9th Asia-Pacific Chitin and CS Symposium. (Vietnam, 2011)


[6].        Ignaas Verpoest, Thanh Truong Chi, Aart Van Vuure, Chuong Bui, Eduardo Trujillo, European-Asian collaboration on natural fibre composites, 1st ICCTS   October 2010 Singapore.                                                                                                                                 


[7].        Truong Chi Thanh, The effects of chemical treatment on the mechanical properties of composite  reinforced by coconut fibres, in Proceeding of the 10th Vietnam – Japan Joint Seminar, Kyoto, 2011.


[8].        Nguyễn Chí Ngôn, Một giải pháp thiết kế hệ thống đèn giao thông thông minh, Kỷ yếu Hội nghị toàn quốc về Điều khiển và Tự động hóa, 25-26/11/2011, VCCA 2011, trang 639-644. ISBN: 978-604-911-020-7.


[9].        Nguyen Chi Ngon, A Study on Cerebral Perfusion Pressure Control, Kỷ yếu Hội nghị toàn quốc về Điều khiển và Tự động hóa, 25-26/11/2011, VCCA 2011, trang 792-797. ISBN: 978-604-911-020-7.


[10].    Chao Lung Hwang, Chun Tsun Chen, Le Anh Tuan Bui and Fondly Reymont Kurniawan, “The Study on the Early Age Cracking due to the Addition of Silica Fume into Concrete and the Trouble-shooting Strategy”, Proceeding of International Conference on Advanced Engineering Materials and Technology, July 29-31, 2011, Sanya, China.


[11].    Chao Lung Hwang, Chun Tsun Chen, Hsiu Lung Huang, Sheng Szu Peng, Le Anh Tuan Bui and Yuan Yi Yan, “The Design and Case Study of Pervious Concrete Materials”, Proceeding of International Conference on Advanced Engineering Materials and Technology, July 29-31, 2011, Sanya, China.


[12].    Hwang Chao-Lung, Bui Le Anh-Tuan, Chun Chen-Tsun and Fransiscus Mintar, “Application of residual rice husk ash from Vietnam as a supplementary cementitious material in concrete”, Proceeding of International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, October 21-23, 2011, Shanhai, China.


[13].    Hwang Chao Lung, Chun Chen-Tsun, Fransiscus Mintar, Le Anh Tuan Bui“The characteristics of Durability in High Performance Concrete”, Proceeding of the 3rd International Concrete of European Asian Civil Engineering Forum, September 20-22, 2011, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.


[14].    Hwang Chao Lung, Chun Chen-Tsun, Fransiscus Mintar, Le Anh Tuan Bui“Self-compacting Concrete in its durability performance”, Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference of European Asian Civil Engineering Forum, September 20-22, 2011, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.


[15].    Hwang Chao Lung, Chun Chen-Tsun, Fransiscus Mintar, Le Anh Tuan Bui“Green High Performance Concrete”, Proceeding of the 2011 International Conference on Civil Engineering and Transportation (CET 2011), October 14-16, 2011, Ji Nan, China.


[16].    Hwang Chao Lung, Fransiscus Mintar, Le Anh Tuan Bui, Chun Chen-Tsun,  “The Eugenic High Performance Concrete in using Recycle and Waste Material on Construction”, Proceeding of the 11th International Symposium on East Asian Resources Recycling Technology (EARTH 2011), October 31st-November 4th, 2011, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (ROC)


[17].    Dan-Thuy Van-Pham, Tomohisa Norisuye, Qui Tran-Cong-Miyata, 2011. Characterization of Deformation Process Driven by a Reversible Photo-Crosslink Reaction Using Mach-Zehnder Interferometry, The Society of Polymer Science-Japan, 60th Symposium on Macromolecules, Okayama, Japan, 28-30/9.


[18].    Dan-Thuy Van-Pham, Tomohisa Norisuye, Qui Tran-Cong-Miyata, 2011, Effects of Reversible Reaction on the Deformation Process in Photo-Crosslinked Polymer Systems Observed by Mach-Zehnder Interferometry, the 10th Japan-Vietnam seminar, Kyoto, Japan, 23-25/11.


[19].    Chanh-Nghiem Nguyen, Kenichi Ohara, Ebubekir Avci, Tomohito Takubo, Yasuhi Mae and Tatsuo Arai, “Automated Micromanipulation of a Microhand with All-In-Focus Imaging System”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 427-432, San Francisco, USA, Sep. 25-30, 2011.


[20].    Chanh-Nghiem Nguyen, Kenichi Ohara, Tomohito Takubo, Yasushi Mae, and Tatsuo Arai, “High-Speed 3D Detection and Tracking of a Two-Fingered Microhand,” SICE 2011 Annual Conference, pp. 2K2 3, Kyoto, Japan, Dec. 23–25, 2011.


[21].    L.Q.N. Tran, C.A. Fuentes, C. Dupont, A.W. Van Vuure, I. Verpoest; Investigating the interfacial compatibility and adhesion of coir fibre composites ; ICCM 18 International Conference on Composite Materials, Jeju, South Korea; 2011.


[22].    L.Q.N. Tran, C.A. Fuentes, C. Dupont, A.W. Van Vuure, I. Verpoest; Interfacial adhesion and mechanical properties of unidirectional coir fibre composites; Ecocomp 4th International Conference on Sustainable Materials, Polymer and Composites; Birmingham, UK; 2011.


[23].    Truong Ba Tai. The 2011 World Congress of The World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists (WATOC), on July 17-22, 2011 in Santiago de Compostela, Spain (POSTER)


[24].    Truong Ba Tai. The Scientific Research Community (WOG) Meeting on Aromaticity, 2011, Ghent University, Belgium (Oral presentation for excellent young scientist)


[25].    Tran Quoc Dat, Kanchit Likitdecharote, Thares Srisatit, and Nguyen Hieu Trung. Modeling the Influence of River Discharge and Sea Level Rise on Salinity Intrusion in Mekong Delta. The 1st Environment Asia International Conference on “Environmental Supporting in Food and Energy Security: Crisis and Opportunity. Bangkok, March 22-25, 2011.

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