A. Sách - sổ tay - tóm tắt

[1]. Nguyen Hieu  Trung,  L.Q.Tri, M.E.F.v. Mensvoort, and A. Bregt., 2006. Comparing Land-Use Planning Approaches in the Coastal Mekong Delta of Vietnam, In C. T. Hoanh, et al., eds. Environment and Livelihoods in Tropical Coastal Zones: Managing Agriculture-Fishery-Aquaculture Conflicts. CABI Publishing, UK.

B. Tạp chí quốc tế

[1]. Van de Weyenberg, I., T.C. Truong, B. Vangrimde, and I. Verpoest, Improving the properties of UD flax fibre reinforced composites by applying an alkaline fibre treatment. Composite A, 37 (9) (2006), 1368 -1376.

[2]. Danh Luongvinh and Youngwoo Kwon, "A fully recurrent neural network-based  model for predicting spectral regrowth of 3G handset power amplifiers with memory effects", IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters,Vol.16, no.11, pp 621-623, Nov. 2006.

[3]. Dương Thái Công, Phan Thanh Lương, Phạm Thị Vân, và các chuyên gia cộng tác: Đức, Anh, 2006. Sổ tay: Hệ thống hỗ trợ ra quyết định cho việc quản lý rác thải nguy hại trong công nghiệp. Sổ tay được phát hành trong các trường ĐH tham gia dự án: ĐHCT, ĐH Bremen (Đức) , ĐH Dresden  (Đức), Anh và nhóm hỗ trợ môi trường ở Bangalore- Ấn Độ.

[4].  Le Canh Dung, Nguyen Nhi Gia Vinh, Le Anh Tuan, and Francois Bousquet, 2006. Economic differentiation of rice and shrimp farming systems and riskiness: a case of Bac Lieu, Mekong Delta, Vietnam. International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) Publication.

[5]. Bart De Ketelaere, Jo Stulens, Jeroen Lammertyn, N.V. Cuong, Josse De Baerdemeaker. A methodological approach for the identification and qualification of sources of biological variance in postharvest research. Postharvest biology and Technology Journal (2006), Vol.39, pp 1-9.

D. Hội nghị khoa học quốc tế

[1]. J.J. Kwon, T.T. Tran, S.H.Jeong, Shi Bo, J.S.Choi, J.M Cha, Y.T. Yoon, H.S. Choi, D. H. Jeon; “A Study on Probabilistic Reliability Evaluation by Using PRA”, Proceeding of the KIEE PES Autumn Annual Conference 2006, pp:27-29

[2]. J.S.Choi, T.T. Tran, J.J. Kwon, S.H.Jeong, Shi Bo, Timothy Mount, Robert Thomas; “A Basic on Relationship Between Reliability and Congestion Cost of Composite Power System”, Proceeding of the KIEE PES Autumn Annual Conference 2006, pp:275-278

[3]. Trungtinh Tran, Jungji Kwon, Jaeseok Choi, Donghun Jeon, Gyoungnam Han, R. Billinton; “Sensitivity Analysis of Probabilistic Reliability Evaluation of Korea Power System”, IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, June 2006.

[4]. J.S. Choi, T. Tran, J.J. Kwon, D.W. Park, J.Y. Yoon, S.I. Moon, J.M. Cha, R. Billinton; “Probabilistic Reliability Evaluation for Interconnecting the Power Systems in North East Asia”, IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, June 2006.

[5]. Trungtinh Tran, Jungji Kwon, Changheon Jea, Sangheon Jeong, Bo Shi, Jaeseok Choi, Donghun Jeon, Kyoungnam Han; “Sensitivity Analysis of Probabilistic Reliability Evaluation of KEPCO System Using TRELSS”, Proceeding for ICEE2006, International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2006, July 2006

[6]. J.S. Choi, T. Tran, J.J. Kwon, S.H. Jeong, Bo Shi, A. A. El-Keib, D.W. Park, J.Y. Yoon, S.I. Moon, J.M. Cha; “Reliability Evaluation for North East Asia Region Electric Systems Tied”, Proceeding for ICEE2006, International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2006, July 2006

[7]. J.S. Choi, J.J. Kwon, T.T. Tran, S.H. Jeong, D.H. Jeon, H.S. Choi, Y.T. Yoon, J.M. Cha; “A Comparison of Reliability Evaluation Tools Developed for Power System Operation”, Proceeding for ICEE2006, International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2006, July 2006

[8]. Trungtinh Tran, Jungji Kwon, Jaeseok Choi, Donghun Jeon, Kyoungnam Han; “Sensitivity Analysis of Probabilistic Reliability Evaluation of KEPCO System Using TRELSS”, 9th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, June 2006

[9]. Trungtinh Tran, Jungji Kwon, Jaeseok Choi, Donghun Jeon, Kyoungnam Han; “Probabilistic Reliability Evaluation for 765kV Transmission Lines in KEPCO Grid Expansion Planning”, 9th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, June 2006

[10]. J.S. Choi, T. Tran, J.J. Kwon, D.W. Park, J.Y. Yoon, S.I. moon, J.M. Cha, R. Billinton; “Probabilistic reliability Based Tie Line Capacity for Interconnecting Power Systems of South Korea, North Korea and Far East Russia”, 9thInternational Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, June 2006

[11]. Jaeseok Choi, Jungji Kwon, Trungtinh Tran, A.A. El-Keib, Junzo Watada; “Best Generation Mix Considering Air Pollution Constraints with Multi-Criteria by Fuzzy Dynamic Programming”, 3rd International Symposium on Management Engineering 2006, March 2006

[12]. Trungtinh Tran, Jungji Kwon, Sangheon Jeong, Bo Shi, Jaeseok Choi, Donghun Jeon, Kyoungnam Han, A.A. El-Keib; “An Analysis of Transmission Congestion by Probabilistic Reliability Evaluation for KEPCO”, IEEE Power Engineering PSCE-2006, 2006 Power System Conference & Exposition, November 2006, pp:1215-1220

[13]. A.A. El-Keib, Jaeseok Choi, Trungtinh Tran; “Transmission Expansion Planning Considering Ambiguities Using Fuzzy Modeling”, IEEE Power Engineering PSCE-2006, 2006 Power System Conference & Exposition, November 2006, pp:207-215.

[14]. Dương Thái Công, 2006. DIC in the operation of steaming & parboiling rice. Summary report: The first Franco- MFLU Seminar- Chiang Rai Thailand: Changes in Rice production system and New technological challenges. 

[15]. Le Anh Tuan, Nguyen Kim Uyen and Guido Wyseure, 2006. Effects of Common Reed (Phragmites spp.) in Constructed Wetland for Removing Phosphorous and Nitrogen from Domestic Wastewater. The 12th PhD. Symposium on Applied Biological Sciences, Gent University, Belgium.

[16]. Le Anh Tuan, Le Hoang Viet, Nguyen Hieu Trung, 2006. International collaboration on Environmental Engineering curriculum development in CanTho University, Vietnam - A case study of VLIR - E2 project. International Conference on Environment Higher Education and Technology, Hanoi, VN.

[17]. Le Anh Tuan, 2006. People's adaptability to floods in the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam. International Conference on Flood Disaster Reduction in Asian countries, Chaing Mai, Thailand.

[18]. Tran Thi Trieu, Le Anh Tuan, Mira Kakonen, 2006. Challenges of Water Resources Management for Downstream Livelihood of the Lower Mekong Delta, Vietnam. The fourth International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, AIT, Bangkok, Thailand.

[19]. John E. Bolander, Dang The Gia, 2006. Life cycle design of building  structures in diverse regional settings. Ferro 8th Proceedings,  Ferrocement & Thin Reinforced Cement Composites. 

[20]. Tran, T. H., Kwok, N. M., Nguyen, M. T., Ha, Q. P., and Fang, G., "Sliding mode-PID controller for robust low-level control of a UGV." Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Shanghai, China, pp. 684 - 689, October 7-10, 2006.


E. Hội nghị khoa học quốc gia

[1]. NguyenDuongThanhThi, LeNgocThach, 2008. Microwave-Asisted “Ngogai” Hydrodistillation. First Symposium on Green Chemistry, Jan 2-3, University of Natural Sciences, Vietnam National University, HCM City.

[2]. Lê  Anh Tuấn, 2006. Đề xuất Giải pháp Công trình Cấp nước và Vệ sinh Nông thôn tỉnh An Giang. Hội thảo Tư vấn Giải pháp Cấp nước và Vệ sinh Nông thôn An Giang.

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