

Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Technology, Cantho University, was formally established as a separated department on March 5th, 2003 according to the decision number 147/QD-DHCT.TCCB of Cantho University. CTU’s chemical engineering department offers academic programs (undergraduate  and graduate) in the fields of organic and inorganic chemical science and mersin escort escort eskisehir engineering, engineering process, and material science and technology, solving complex problem with engineering point of view, emphasizing of both theory and practical applications.


Basically, ChE Department provides three majors in the fields of (i) organic chemistry science and engineering; (ii) inorganic chemistry science and engineering; (iii) polymer and composite material science and engineering.


Researches at ChE have been focusing in field of composite polymer materials, extraction of natural bioactive compounds, ceramic materials and biofuels lately.  The department was equipped with Labs of Process and Control and Unit Operation; Inorganic and Organic Chemical Engineering; Electrochemical Engineering; and Composite Material to serve for major research and teaching activities.


Dept. of chemical engineerung has 4 labs for conducting scientific researches and teaching activities.


Aim and Scope

Major equipments

Chemical Engineering Lab

For basic research in the field of chemistry and chemical engineering

-        UV Vis Spectrophotometer

-        Rotary Evaporator

-        Soxhlet Extraction System

-        High Pressure Reactor

-        Moisture Analyzer

-        Auto-titration  system

-        Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS)

-        Orbital Shaking Incubator

-        Viscometer

-        Melting Point Determination System

-        pH meter

Inorganic Engineering Lab

To be updated

Composite and Polymer Lab

To be updated

Process Control and Unit Operation Lab

To be updated


  • Department of Chemical Emgineering, College of Technology, Cantho University
  • Campus 2, 3/2 Street, Cantho City, Vietnam
  • Tel: +84 2923 834 267; Fax: +84 2923 831151
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

College of Engineering - Can Tho University
Address: Campus II, 3/2 street, Ninh Kieu district, Can Tho city, Viet Nam
Tel: +84 2923 834 267 - Email: