Department of Chemical Engineering



Department of Chemical Engineering (ChE), College of Technology, Can Tho University (CTU), was formally established on March 5th, 2004 according to the decision No. 147/QD-DHCT.TCCB of Can Tho University. CTU’s chemical engineering department offers academic undergraduate and graduate programs in the fields of organic and inorganic chemical science and engineering, engineering process, and material science and engineering, solving complex engineering problems, emphasizing of both theory and practical applications.


The mission of the Chemical Engineering Department is:

  • To provide high quality human resources in chemical and material engineering.
  • To carry out scientific research and technology development in fields of chemical engineering and materials science and engineering.
  • To transfer the technological development for serving the sustainable development of the Mekong Delta region and Vietnam.


Basically, ChE Department provides three majors in the fields of (i) organic chemistry science and engineering; (ii) inorganic chemistry science and engineering; (iii) polymer and composite material science and engineering.

Chemical Engineering (since 2000)

Master of Chemical Engineering (since 2015)

Chemical Engineering – high quality program (since 2017)

Materials Science and Engineering (since 2017)


Researches at ChE Department focus in fields of composite polymer materials, extraction of natural bioactive compounds, ceramic materials and biofuels, nanomaterials, solar cells, etc. The department has four laboratories: (1) Unit operations in Chemical Engineering, (2) Inorganic Chemistry, (3) Organic Chemistry, (4) and Material Engineering for major researches and teaching activities. In addition, 8 advanced laboratories are under construction by the university’s project, namely composite material lab, material energy lab, advanced chemical engineering lab, applied chemical engineering lab, advanced material lab, nano-electrochemistry lab, polymer material lab, biomedical engineering.

The department focuses on both basic and applied scientific research in several directions:

  • Fragrances & cosmetics
  • Extraction and application of natural compounds
  • Ceramic and enamel materials
  • Polymer and composite materials
  • Synthesis and application of nanomaterials
  • Biomedical materials & drug delivery systems
  • Environmental treatment technology
  • New energy and renewable energy sources


Currently, the ChE Department has 21 energetic members. Most of the (senior) lecturers graduated master and PhD. from prestigious universities in Belgium, Netherlands, USA, Australia, Taiwan, Korea, Germany, Japan... The ChE Department has 5 Associate Professors, 10 PhDs, 5 Masters (1 lecturer is a doctoral candidate), and 1 Engineer.

The management board includes 03 people: 01 Head of the Department to be in charge of general management, 02 Deputy Heads to assist the Head in specific fields; and 01 office secretary to support with the paperwork.

Board of ChE Department

  1. Head of Department: Prof. Doan Van Hong Thien
  2. Deputy Head of Department: Prof. Ho Quoc Phong
  3. Deputy Head of Department: Dr. Nguyen Thi Bich Thuyen

       Secretary: Assoc. Prof. Huynh Lien Huong

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